Great news!
We now have a second group of missionaries who are eager to come sometime this year and help on project Alto. The two groups have estimated they could raise as much as $2,500 each - that is close to $5,000 or R$10,000! Some of that will go towards renovations at Mary Magdalene house (which will cost us in total around $8,000 USD) but a lot of it will go towards smaller projects at the dwellings of some of the inhabitants of Alto who are struggling and need important work done on their homes. Some of it will go towards cleaning the houses of the sick or invalid, preparing meals and perhaps new clothes. We'll try to set up some fun activities with the kids of Alto too - a great way for the missionaries to be a positive and joyful encouragement in an often violent and discouraging area.
Oh! By the way... if you want to take a look at where Alto da Esperança is situated in Salvador with respect to the brother's convent (as well as a few of my other favorite places), check it out on
Google Maps.