Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mission Trips, Mary Magdalene House, and Crowdrise

Well!  It sure has been an eventful week!

Missionary Trips 2013

I am excited to announce two upcoming mission trips to Brazil.  If you are looking for an experience to come to Brazil and help the poor, we will be having one mission trip (tentative dates Jan. 5-20) with Fr. Luis-Pascal in the Amazon (either Santarém or Xinguara where there is another community of Brothers).  We will have a second mission trip right after World Youth Day (July 29 ~ August 15) here in Salvador to help Project Alto with myself and the other brothers.  If you would be interested in joining one of these missionary, know someone who would be, or would like to help sponsor please send me a message.  The dates are tentative, so if other dates would work out better please let me know.

Aside from the trips, our missionary from Laredo is getting ready to join us - I just put the notarized documents he will need for his visa in the mail today.  Now that I know how to do that, so I'm ready to welcome more missionaries who are ready to give a year to serve the poor with the Community of St. John.

Mary Magdalene House

Last Friday I met with Gizelly who is a civil engineer here in Salvador (a friend of Rosa who has been out to see the house before and is also a civil engineer) and took her out to see Mary Magdalene house:

She is excited to help out, but a bit more concerned about the structural integrity of the house than Rosa and her work partner.  I met an old guy named Edward whose been an architect for almost fifty years now - he is from the US, and offered to come and take a look at the house with me this Friday. Our contractor João (Fr. Ireneu's brother), is finishing up work on our new cells so we still have time to form a plan of attack for the renovations and figure out how much reinforcing we will need to do.

St. John Bakery

Well... while I was gone, Fr. Ireneu acquired ovens and baking equipment - they aren't in the greatest shape, but we've had a young man from EVA (school of evangelization) here cleaning them up over the past couple of weeks:

 They are part of our Project Alto, which will involve teaching young people bread making skills. - Online Donations

We are online for donations now!  My sister set us up on so we have a way to introduce projects and fundraisers and making giving much simpler.  The donations will be collected by our monastery in Laredo and then sent to the Brothers here in Salvador, Brazil.  If you look to your right at the top of the screen you can donate directly to Project Alto!

God Bless!
Br. Francis Therese

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Brother Francis, Project Alto and The Brothers of Saint John | Austin Catholic New Media

Brother Francis, Project Alto and The Brothers of Saint John | Austin Catholic New Media

I got the opportunity to speak with Br. Francis Therese Krautter of the Community of St. John about his vocation, growing up in Austin and Project Alto, a mission that the Brothers have in Salvador, Brazil. Take a listen and then head on over to their blog to find out more about Project Alto.

Monday, August 20, 2012

"The poor you will always have with you..."

I go grocery shopping for the brothers once a week - a task that exhausts me to the very core of my being.  Grocery shopping in Brazil is much like grocery shopping anywhere else I suppose, except, without warning some of the most basic items disappear from the shelves for up to a month.  Double and triple checking an isle where I would usually find granola or ground beef (or whatever the surprise missing item happens to be) makes me dizzy.  When I finally cave and ask someone who works there where the granola is, they go over with me and dig around for a half a minute before shrugging, "I guess we don't have any."  Well, a few months ago when I got to the checkout line with my two helpers (we were buying a weeks worth of food and supplies for a rather hungry house of eight) all I could think about was how nice it would be to sit down.  Inevitably, this was the moment our dear Lord chose to pay me a visit - for some reason He like to show up when I'm not on my A-game.  This short middle-aged woman comes up to me, sniffling, trying to mumble something about being hungry and having not eaten in a long time.  My gut always does a back-flip in these situations and a dozen thoughts or so race through my mind before I manage to take a deep breath and simply assess the situation.  Why did this woman come up to me?  Do people think that Religious are under some obligation to give money away?  How did she get in this situation?  Is she just going to use the money for drugs or alcohol?  What do I do if her story is credible?  What do I do if it isn't? ...

Well, this woman was different from others.  She was visibly ashamed of having to ask me for help, she was weeping but couldn't even look me in the eyes - something that professional beggars are very good at.  I'm still thinking to myself that I'm not going to give her any money since we are in a grocery store, so I ask her what she wants from me.  She hands me three bags - a pound of rice, a pound of beans, and a pound of flour.  Total cost of just under $5.  I had the cashier ring it up, she thanked me profusely through her shame-filled tears and walked hurriedly out of the store and away.  I watched her leave - astounded that she didn't come back in asking someone else for a bit of meat or something, which, had I been on my A-game I would have offered her.

I tell this story because poverty evokes many emotions, both in the poor and in those who encounter them.  Some people are so overcome with the emotion of fear, that they avoid any possible encounter with the poor or poverty in general.  Today's Gospel was about the rich young man who kept the Law from his youth.  He asks Jesus what more he ought to do and Jesus tells him, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give it to the poor, then come and follow me."  It says that the young man went away sad for he had many possessions.  It makes me think of the verse in St. Luke's Gospel, "Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him." (8:18)  Though the immediate context of this verse is about listening and understanding of the mysteries of the Kingdom, we can also read something true about poverty: whoever has poverty will be given more happiness - "Blessed are you poor - for yours is the kingdom of God."  Poverty isn't terrible, it is something that God blesses.  Poverty is also associated with the simple life - St. Francis was seduced by Lady Poverty (and I think any of us who have read his life story have felt that same seduction).  Jesus encourages us not to worry about our lives, about what we will wear, what we will eat or drink, about what we have to do to make it in the world. (Mt. 6:25-34)  God takes care of the animals, does He not?  So He has all the more reason to take care of we who are worth much more than the sparrow.  Interestingly enough, Jesus begins that whole exhortation with this: "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth." (Mt. 6:24)  Blessed are the poor - whoever has poverty will be given more happiness.  This is the side of poverty that attracts us: abandon to divine providence, simplicity of life.

The refusal of poverty on the other hand - whoever has not poverty - will result in the loss of happiness - even what they think they have (happiness) will be taken from them.  This is evident from the rich young man.  He was missing only one thing to become perfect - poverty.  His possessions became a cause of sadness - he was unable to set them aside.  No one can serve two masters - you cannot serve God and wealth.  Embracing poverty opens the way to follow Christ - sell what you have and give it to the poor, then come and follow me.  Pharaoh refused to free the children of Israel - had he embraced the poverty to which God was calling him (the God of Joseph, who understood and interpreted the previous Pharaoh's dreams and brought about Egypt's domination) certainly God would have blessed him.  But what stands written is very much the contrary - even what they think they have will be taken away from them - "Pharaoh’s servants said to him, 'How long will this man be a snare to us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God. Do you not realize that Egypt is destroyed?'" (Ex. 10:7)  How hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.  The other side of poverty, the part we fear, is misery and the suffering that comes from want.  Yet if we do not courageously confront misery and suffering (by being compassionate and receiving mercy), we cannot embrace poverty; and if we do not embrace poverty, our happiness (or what we think is our happiness) will be taken away.

There have been long discussions in the history of the church about whether the poverty we are called to live as Christians is material or spiritual in nature.  I think it is interesting to notice through the scriptures that the two are constantly mixed together.  Yet at the same time, if we are attentive, those whom the Scriptures designate as poor are not always who we would think.  Take a look at the story of Hagar and her son Ismael whom Sara finally kicks out of the house (Gn. 21:15-21). Abraham gives them some bread and a skin of water and sends them out into the wilderness - the desert.  Of course, in the middle of the desert with no where else to go, the water gets used up and we read that Hagar sticks her son under some bushes and gets far enough away that she can't hear him cry.  She doesn't want to hear him cry or see him die of thirst, she herself begins to lift up her voice and weep.  She gets a visit from an angel who asks her, "What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not fear, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is..." (Gn. 21:17)  We know from the psalms, "The Lord hears the cry of the poor." (Ps. 34)  We would be tempted to say, "Yes, this poor mother, at her wits end, is truly poor - she has nothing and cannot even prevent her child from dying of thirst.  God will certainly hear her cry."  But the scriptures have a surprisingly different outlook - God did not hear Hagar's cry, He heard the child's cry.  A child cries because he knows he will be heard by those whom he depends upon.  When an adult cries however, it is often much more complicated than that - sadness that has become despair, losing control, feeling violated, anger turned rage.  Hagar cries because she has given up, she has gone into despair and lost all hope.  She is so certain of death, and so saddened by it, that she prefers not to even show a mother's compassion  and be with her son in what she thinks are his final moments - she tries to forget him.  It almost makes you think that Isaiah had this specific incident in mind when he wrote, "Thus says the Lord, 'Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.'"(Is. 49:15)  True poverty recognizes that our being is a pure gift, and because of that, whatever we receive in our life is also a pure gift.  True poverty is recognizing, through all life's circumstances, that the only thing worth possessing in the end is God. Job is a great witness to that, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord.  We receive good from the Lord, ought we not also receive evil?" (Job 1:21, 2:10)

Perhaps a last thought on poverty, and the surrounding consequences (both positive and negative - simplicity and misery).  Psychologically, there are the two extremes: becoming a victim, or becoming indignant.  If we view poverty at a psychological level it comes across as essentially simple or essentially miserable.  Poverty seems good under its guise of simplicity, so we are ready to abandon responsibilities to embrace the ideal of poverty.  When that simplicity is challenged, only the attitude of true poverty: where all things and situations, simple and complicated, are dealt with first by entrusting them to God and second by a responsible engagement trusting in His help. Poverty seems evil under its guise of misery, so we tend to flee from misery, or eliminate poverty for fear of misery.  When misery does enter our lives, we have to avoid the pitfalls of pitying ourselves as victims, or reacting with anger and indignation - misery can be healed by true poverty.  God wants us to be poor, but does not will us to be miserable.

Mercy - both God's mercy, and the spiritual and corporal works of mercy all Christians are called to perform - is God's remedy to misery.  The Latin word for mercy, misericordia, implies this transference of another's misery (miseri-) into one's own heart (-cordia).  To be merciful one must understand another's misery in one's own heart - in a similar way, compassion is suffering, or undergoing with another person.  The one who receives mercy is freed from misery - the one who receives compassion is not alone in suffering.  The experience of misery is the experience of a yoke, a kind of slavery - the greatest misery is sin, the sin of pride, and the greatest mercy is Christ's death on the cross which frees us from the slavery to sin.  The experience of suffering progressively separates us from ourselves and others - the greatest suffering comes from sin, the wages of which are death, and death is the greatest separation we can know in ourselves (body from soul) and from others.  The greatest compassion was Christ's death, that we might know in the presence of our own suffering, the presence of another who suffers with us so that we are never alone.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Just a quick note - I've taken down our page as they claim 10% of donations and require you to receive donations through wepay in order to continue to have a site with them.  We will soon have a page on (whose fees will be subsidized by a generous benefactor) where it will be possible to donate to the Brothers or Project Alto online.

Make sure to follow the blog (RSS or email) if you want updates as soon as they come out!

Peace and Blessings,
Br. Francis Therese

Mission Appeals: St. Paul and St. Thomas More


So much news to share, and so many wonderful people to thank - I don't know where to begin.  At any rate, a big thank you to all of you who donated to Project Alto this year - we will certainly be able to do the renovations of Mary Magdalene House.  I have arranged a meeting with Rosa this week (tomorrow in fact), who will be helping us move forward with renovation plans.

First - a big thank you to Ecclesia and all the participants this year.  What a great group of young people excited about evangelization!  Several of the participants expressed interest in coming to Brazil to help us with our mission - I can't wait to bring you down here to get to work serving the poor.

Second - a big thank you to Fr. Pius, Deacon Bernard, Brenda, all the parishioners at St. Paul's Parish in Smithville, Texas, and our own mission team David Hall, Bill Krautter, and Br. Gabriel Maria.  Your joy and generosity are a great source of comfort and help.  Here are some photos:

Last - but certainly not least! - It was so moving for me to be able to present our appeal to St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Austin, Texas, so close to where I grew up.  I was also moved and encouraged by your generosity and kind words, and your financial contributions will definitely help us move forward on Project Alto and the renovations of Mary Magdalene House.  Special thanks to Fr. Isadore, Fr. Wade, and Fr. Mike Sis, to Sue and Steve, and to our mission team at St. Thomas More Lourdes Vargas and Mary Ellen Krautter.  Words can not express how much of an impact this will have on our community!  Here is a video of the appeal (and transcript), and some photos my mother took:

In my next post I put some pictures of the baking equipment fr. Ireneu acquired while I was in the USA (what we will be using to teach baking skills to the children and young people of Alto).  I'll also give an update on where Rosa and I are with the plans for Alto.

Please stay in touch!  Comment or send me a message and let me know if you have any questions or prayer intentions!

Br. Francis Therese Krautter