Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Music Class!

Much has happened since our last post: Leo has returned to the USA and moved to Austin, Texas.  We are very happy for him as he has already found work and a place to live - thanks be to God!  After Christmas and New Year's the Brothers adopted a more peaceful rhythm so as to be rested and renewed for the new year.  Our two current missionaries, Adrien and Edouard, have returned from their break as well and are itching to serve in new ways.  In just a few days we plan to start repairing the roof over the bakery where Adrien will be moving forward with setting up a bakery program for the young people from Alto.  Edouard is very happy to be back spending time with the kids and in prayer with the community.  He is going to start teaching computer skills to a few of the young people who have shown interest.

I'm very grateful for Edourad's expertise in technology, he was able to make a little video of the music class we started a couple of weeks ago for the kids.  Tuesday and Thursday afternoons I teach an introduction to music to a group of about 12 kids: we learn how to read rhythms and notes, listen to pieces to try to identify what instruments are being used, what kind of voices are singing, etc.  We also play rhythm games and have started learning some songs.  Here's the video:

I started this music class because we are still eagerly awaiting the arrival of Gabriela - a missionary from the USA who has been trying to get her visa for almost six months now.  Please pray that this situation gets resolved quickly!  We also have a couple who are interested in coming to live and serve as missionaries in the Mary Magdalene house - they are also in need of prayers so that their visas and paperwork are accepted.

God continues to bless us - may He continue to bless you!
Br. Francis Therese