Katie on left, Faith on right |
I was checking Facebook and Gmail
one afternoon in the last semester of College, when I received an email
entitled “Missionaries Needed”, now five months later I am a Missionary living
in a convent in Brazil, thus proving my theory that life really can be like a
movie. Olá! I hope this blog post finds
you well! “Olá” means “Hello” in Portuguese.
It's okay if you are just learning that, I am also. I honestly know the
“um pouco”-est of this new language but recent circumstances have made me
realize that I should probably learn some Portuguese.
My fellow missionary and classmate Katie and I met in Miami at 11:30 pm and
landed in Salvador at 8 am. Katie and I used each other as pillows and were
able to arrive in South America well rested and ready for the adventure God had
laid out before us. We were warmly welcomed by Brother Francis Therese, and
within minutes were talking and laughing about the work to do in the months
and full of love, the convent quickly made Katie and I feel right at home. The
walls are worn yet charming and the overall sense of quiet and tranquility
calmly convey Christ’s presence. Midday
prayer was chanted in French by the Brothers in the chapel, which is a
breathtaking display of eighteenth century Baroque architecture. We then sat down as a
community for a delicious lunch and then taken for an exciting tour of our new
Getting ready for a beautiful new day! |
night ended with the chanting of Vespers, celebration of the Mass, and the
exposition of the most Holy Eucharist. Sitting in the presence of my Creator I
felt calmly reassured that He was calling me to this mission. This morning
Brother Francis took Katie and I to a Catholic community center which has a
holistic approach to aiding the people of the neighborhood through a synthesis
of art, music and culture. We then visited a children’s cancer ward, and hope
to be able to volunteer at both locations.
I am overjoyed at this wonderful
opportunity to spread Christ’s message and pray that I will be able to show the
people I encounter even a glimpse of the infinite love God has for his
children. Please keep us and our mission in your prayers and know that you will
be in ours! Praise God!