Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ash Wednesday and Goodbyes

This past week, the brothers and missionaries took our silent retreat about 30 minutes away in a little town located behind the Church of Bomfim on the bay.  We stayed with a order of sisters who were both gracious hosts and delicious cooks.  The retreat was simple enough. The day was filled with silence and was punctuated throughout with day with our divine office, rosary, mass, adoration, and talks by Bishop, Dom Marcos Eugenio.  It was a cozy retreat center with beautiful trees and a cozy little chapel where we spent hours in meditation and prayer with our Lord and prepared for lent.  It was not always easy . . . but I believe we all grew closer to each other and to Christ through the experience as he revealed Himself to us in the silence of our hearts.  


The time has come for Faith and I to say goodbye to our wonderful Brazilian family!  Although we are both excited to see our families again (though we’re told of snow storms plaguing the United States? Definitely not cool) and explore what God has in store for us in this new chapter in our lives, it is a bittersweet homecoming.  We have met some beautiful people and have been welcomed graciously into their lives and into their communities.

 Faith and I were blessed to have two “farewell” parties, one with the children in alto and one with the brothers.   The party in alto was exactly that . . . a party! So many of our children and their parents and people from the parish came and celebrated with us with music and dance and delicious food.  I have never received such love and saying goodbye was one of the hardest I've experienced yet.  Although the language barrier is still present and I was not able to communicate very much with the people in the time here, I learned on this trip there are many other ways of communicating love and fellowship without using your words. 

Our farewell party with the brothers was a final dinner and also doubled as a belated birthday for faith, whose birthday fell over our silent retreat.  The patio outside was decorated with Christmas lights and Gabi and the brothers prepared dinner for us and they surprised us with a lovely 
(and delicious!) cake.  Faith and I were able to express some of our favorite memories and our gratitude for this unique experience in our lives.

It feels fitting to be returning home at the start of lent . . . today’s gospel spoke of fasting and of the true spirit of prayer and giving alms.  The lessons I have learned at a missionary and as a Catholic I plan to carry with me into this season of repentance and throughout my whole life, hoping to shed away the things that further keep me from loving God as He deserves and serving those around me as a perpetual missionary, even in my home town.  God bless you all and please keep Faith and I in your prayers, and we hope you have a very blessed lent. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Faith and Katie Get Ready to Say Goodbye!

Hello and God Bless! It seems as if we have just arrived but already Katie and I have been in beautiful Brazil for over five months. As we continue to work we remember every now and then that we only have a little over two week left to serve God and those around us in this wonderful mission. Brother Francis Therese spoke to us at our Tuesday meeting about the importance of staying present. As the days slip by each one becomes even more precious. Francis Therese reminded us that we must live each moment of mission as if it is our last and that each day we should attempt to give all that we are and all that we have.  With that in mind, there is still much work to be done! This week I taught my last arts and crafts class. The children made masks for carnival.

The Finished Product! 

(I gave the boy rocket ship stickers to try to make it less girly) 

They loved the project and were very attentive and well organized. We have high standards for the children in the classroom at the Magedelina House. We expect them to be respectful, cooperative and to work hard on the task at hand. The children seem to respond well to our high expectations, and each week I have noticed a slow but gradual improvement. 

The Entrance of Alto

Katie and Gabi and I continue to make stronger connections with the women at Irma Dulce House. We sit in on two classes on Wednesday and Friday mornings. The Teachers Christina, Gina and Dani are all wonderful examples of Christian love. They know all of their students by name and greet each of them with a warm hug and a kind smile. Many of their students live in the Irma Dulce Hospital and have mental and physical handicaps. Their students come in, looking a little uncomfortable or out of place, and within minutes are happy and at ease. Brother Francis Therese has been coordinating with Irma House workers and within the next few months God willing, we will have our bakery up and working and being used by Irma House, as well as aid for members of the Alto community who suffer from alcoholism. In addition, Irma House is looking into having a counselor for the children of the Alto community to speak with.

This is my last opportunity to write a blog post with the Salvador mission. This has truly been a life changing experience. The people here live their lives with eyes ever fixed on Christ. At first I was struck by the amount of time we spent in the chapel on a daily basis (about 3 and a half to 4 hours a day) and wondered  if some of that time should be spent on projects instead. But now that I have seen the impact of this lifestyle I understand clearly that my perspective was flawed. God is our top priority. Above all else we are here to love and serve him and it is because of this conscious decision, to love and serve God, that the work we do here is fruitful. We are all peaceful and joyful on a regular basis, and doors continue to open for us.  In addition to our regular prayer schedule we have now added a Rosary, and things are now going even more smoothly. When Christ is truly the top priority and focus, He takes care of the little human things. Thank you so much for all of your support and God Bless! It has been an honor serving this mission.  As always you are in our prayers! 
-In Christ, Faith