Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Believe in the Incredible and you can do the Impossible" -Fulton J. Sheen

This past week with the missionaries of St. John…


One of our proud accomplishments this week was getting rid of the pile of rubble from the convent’s patio.


Shoveling away


And after a few hours of hard work we have our end result!


Celebrating our clean patio by eating dinner outside


We had the privilege of celebrating Kevin’s Birthday with a Brazilian coco and pineapple dessert.


Singing Happy Birthday to Kevin


There has been visible progress on the garden in the favela



We visited the community of Heart’s Home for their 20th anniversary in Brazil. There we were surprised with wonderful music. 


Thiago Bols, a professional artist, came and gave a class to the kids about art. Explaining how art is a form of communication.


Monique, a young girl from the favela, participating in class.

After a long day we were invited for Brazilian treats at one of the home's in the favela J

Thank you for all of those who have made this possible: missionaries, Brothers, parents and benefactors. Tchau!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fête Evangeliza Saubara

Ce week-end, nous avons été invités par nos amis de Saubara à participer à leur fête "Evangeliza Saubara". Voici quelques photos souvenirs :

Départ à 5h45.. En route pour retrouver les jeunes d'Alto da Esperança qui nous ont accompagnés.

La prière du matin, dans la maison de Dona Consa.

Une petite heure d'attente à la gare principale de Salvador. Nous avons pu y prier les laudes :) 

Et nous voilà partis !

A peine arrivés, nous avons eu la chance d'avoir un moment d'adoration et de bénédiction individuelle !

Pour se reposer de cette longue heure de route, nous sommes allés à la plage. Un frisbee, une balle, et l'après midi avec les jeunes est super !!

De retour, il nous a fallu trouver des matelas pour dormir un peu plus confortablement qu'à même le sol. Les "saubariens" ont une telle générosité que la mission  a été bien vite accomplie !

En attendant la veillée, André et Faith ont pu discuter en portanglais de tout et n'importe quoi :)

Départ de la veillée "Procession aux flambeaux" pour la Vierge Marie !!

Puis, une belle Messe pour conclure notre journée.

Le jardin de notre logement, plein de bons fruits exotiques !!

La mer au loin, vue des hauteurs de Saubara.

Faith et Jésus :)

Père Emmanuel a pu célébré pour nous la Messe dominicale dans l'église principale de la ville. A la fin de celle-ci, nous avons pu confier à la Vierge Marie nos intentions.

15h, début de la fête, avec une danse sur une musique créée spécialement pour l'occasion !

Des artistes, connus au Brésil, se sont déplacés spécialement pour l'occasion !

Un pestacle d'enfants pour nous expliquer l'histoire de Notre Dame d'Aparecida (Patronne du Brésil).

La fête terminée, c'est le moment de raconter notre week-end sur Facebook :)

Un grand merci à nos hôtes, que le Seigneur les comble de grâces !!

Les jeunes de Saubara, qui ont entre 16 et 24 ans, ont pu organiser une fête d'une ampleur considérable, dans l'unique but d'évangéliser, de partager leur foi.

Nous rentrons avec en tête la certitude que nous pouvons, nous aussi, faire de belless choses dans notre vie de missionnaires, en suivant simplement Jésus.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Right Time for Mission

Bom Dia! Some of you haven’t met us yet, but hopefully we can get to know each other over the next couple months. We are Kevin and Kara and we arrived here at the beginning of October. Kevin is a financial planner and Kara is a first grade teacher and we’ve come here from Las Vegas. Once we learn a little more Portuguese, we are moving to the favela to take up residence in Mary Magdalene House. I would like to sincerely thank all you who sacrificed time and treasure to enable the work on the house to come along to near completion, and assure you that we will do our best to be beacons of hope for the community at Alto.
We've finally made it!

Kara and I have been praying about being missionaries since 2010. Kara and I got married in 2012 and tried to go to Malawi as missionaries, but things did not work out. However, our desire to be missionaries only grew stronger. We shared this with our friends and family and many asked, why aren't we just doing it? The answer to that is complicated. Mission isn't always about you. I wanted to be a missionary; I wanted to change the world; I wanted to do awesome things. Did you notice how may "I"s there were in that stream of motivations? Although I had a deeply held conviction that I was supposed to be in the mission field, things did not work out... probably because I was still being formed. I truly believe that this is a matter of God's timing. But we have a God who is persistent... in our prayers we were in a state of agony many times, stuck between the desire to go and things not working out. But we didn’t give up hope, we just begged God all the more.

Convent courtyard. Just in time for morning prayer.
The past two and a half years have been a cleansing experience. Our motivations became purified every time our plans didn’t come to fruition. The humility of telling friends and family that we still were not going was an important part of our growth. But we are here now; and we are here because God has been persistent in letting us know that He wants us here and we are responding to something outside ourselves.
Sunrise over Salvador: A veiw from our temproary bedroom in the convent.

I see similarities in other areas of my life. I tend to be a reactionary person - jumping on things because they are good opportunities... I am very guilty of that. But what is important in the long run is doing things out of conviction and not necessarily out of opportunity. Sometimes the right thing to do is not the most convenient or opportune thing. Also, God has His own time-frame that we don’t always understand. As Christians, we need to find that balance between action and enthusiasm and thoughtful prayer and consideration. But God is persistent in loving us and showing us where we need to go and when we need to do it.

A view from Mary Magdaline House in the favela.

This week, pray about something in your life that God has been persistently pursuing you about. Take it to prayer, give the timing over to Him, and see what wonderful things He has in store for you when you follow His timing.

“Despite the difficulties, be courageous and joyful bearers of the message of salvation” – Pope Francis

Monday, October 6, 2014


Merry Monday everyone! What is better than to start off the week other than to read a good blog post all the way from Bahia, Brazil.

First I would like to thank everyone who has made it possible for me to be here. If it was not for their prayers, love and (money) I would not be able to answer to his missionary calling serve Christ and His Church in Bahia.

These are just a few pictures to share our beautiful moments:

To the right we have our missionary couple, Kevin and Kara, who have finally arrived this week. Edouard is in the back looking holy as usual, my beautiful companion Faith in the striped shirt, and then some Brothers that wanted to make it in the picture.

Our meninos enjoying painting musical notes and instruments. 

Musical inspiration for the meninos drawn by Br. Francis Therese and Edouard.

The highlight of the week was visiting the Church of St. Francis in the historical center of Salvador. 

Thank you for everything folks! Keep praying for us and we will pray for you too!