Thursday, December 19, 2013

Special Guests

Hello Folks,

This past early December we had some special guests from the USA enter the community of Alto de Esperanca. They were welcomed with arms wide open. we had prepared a special welcoming for them, Showed them the work that had been done, and invited them to see the different houses. It was a very special day for all the folks.

 Meals were also made by our very own cook Dona Consa!

 little catholic girls smiling.

Big Catholic man smiling. Even though they didnt know how to speak to each other they both can express the joy in the lord the same.

 Americans can be a little shy.
But Brazilians have a way of making you feel at home, making you feel like "Family."
 I got to translate, and Fabio was able to speak English!

 Brother Francis showing these folks the work in progress at the Mary Magdalene house in Alto.
 Birds eye view of the community.

 I think when they saw how big the Favela was they were in a bit shocked.

It was really special to see people from different cultures share one faith. It was a good day. To be honest I really thought these folks were going to have a little bit of a culture shock but everyone got along just great. 

The community of Alto de Esperanca made different Brazilian food so they could sample. To see people from different cultures, different worlds able to communicate without languages, a simple smile was beautiful. J

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Festival Halleluya

Bonjour à tous :)
Connaissez-vous le festival Halleluya, organisé par la communauté Shalom ? Si non, voici une vidéo de présentation :

Et bien figurez-vous que nous avons eu la grâce d'y participer durant 3 jours, avec les jeunes d'Alto et de Saubara, à Salvador ! 
Des milliers de personnes étaient présentes chaque jour sur la plage de Pituba.

Petit cours de danse pour Léo et Adrien :)

Et puis nous avons pu constater le talent des danseurs brésilien sur scène.

Un jeu a été lancé : la foule dansait sur la musique, et au stop, chacun devait garder sa position. La figure la plus originale était récompensée.. et nos amis de Saubara ont gagné ! Bravo à vous !

Tous tournés vers la lumière (du flash :) ).

Un peu plus loin, la Sainte Vierge nous ouvre les bras, et nous appelle à adorer son Fils :D

Le voici, l'Alpha et l'Omega, Jésus Christ !

"Que celui qui souhaite donner sa vie à Jésus lève la main..."
C'était vraiment impressionnant à voir !

Et nous voilà déjà sur le chemin du retour, à chanter, danser, louer le Seigneur de tous nos coeurs et corps :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November post

Hello there,

I've been a little late to write about a blog, there have been a few changes in the mission that have taken place.
First my dear friend Ricardo has left Brazil to live in France in the hopes and dreams of becoming a Brother! Best of luck to you Ricardo.

Secondly we have recieved 2 new volunteers from france. Finally we have a team of missionary volunteers, that are here to help the community here in Salvador. Eduar and Adrien. With these new members of the team we are finally realizing how to function as missionary group. Together we are a really strong group that help eachother out.  They are way better then I am in soccer but its ok, I'd like to say a can beat them in real football, yea! Murica.

The house project is nearly complete Fabio and Joao are doing a great job, with the construction of the Magdalene house, its nearly complete. We have a grand opening ceremony in Dec.

The kids in the community in Alto are doing great, my soccer I think has maybe somewhat improved...

 Fabio is teaching the kids in the Alto to play at mass

This is Adrien and Ricardo being blessed by a cardinal!! pressure pressure Adrien!! Welcome to the Team!

My Brazilian foster mom, Dona Consa
 it was Eduards birthday!

 Ricardo left our "Monday spiritual group"and it looks like Eduar will be picking it up!!

This is Luis Carlos he helps us a lot in Alto de esperanca, he is 14 wants to be either a nurse or a priest!! He's helping with the work in the Magdalene house..

                                                                                 We are trying to have a game night with the kids on thursday at the Magdalene house :) it can get a little crazy with the kids and us
Life goes on in Brazil, one thing I am sure of in life in Brazil, Futebol is their passion..
  One last request, there is a button on the top left corner that asks if you could sponsor a missionary, I know some of you don't have the time or maybe even short on cash. I am asking if you are short on money that you pray for this mission in Brazil. After you read this blog set aside 5 minutes to ask God to protect and guide is mission in the favela, Alto de Esperança, Missions need money but they also need prayers. God bless you and thank you!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Class is in session!

Hello Friends and country men, I’m here to tell the tale of my new exciting adventure in the Favela…
It seems like the dream of finishing this house is almost complete, it’s a dream that is finally coming to fruition, it has been a slow process, but slow and steady always wins the race.

 “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 
Its funny how this “Faith in God” thing works, I came to Brazil because I wanted to help people, as a nurse. The Brazilian government said "no!" Brother Francis Therese said "just come to Brazil.” I became a carpenter, and now I have become a English Teacher in the Favela. I pray that I teach them well. God be with me!


This month has been somewhat a trying month for me, World Youth Day gave me such hope, such energy to do so much, but it also gave me, what the Brazilians say, “saudades.” Saudades for my family, saudades for my friends, saudades for everything that was not in Brazil; and this is bad. I have since then closed my facebook, I will open it again, but I need to focus on the mission. WYD was awesome, but it made me miss Laredo, TX.

We finally have another missionary Eduar, I think that's how you pronounces his name. Finally we have someone on the team till March.  Its good to see a new missionary that has elected to stay in Salvador for a good while and to call Salvador a home.

 We still continue to fight the good fight, one soul at a time..