Monday, October 6, 2014


Merry Monday everyone! What is better than to start off the week other than to read a good blog post all the way from Bahia, Brazil.

First I would like to thank everyone who has made it possible for me to be here. If it was not for their prayers, love and (money) I would not be able to answer to his missionary calling serve Christ and His Church in Bahia.

These are just a few pictures to share our beautiful moments:

To the right we have our missionary couple, Kevin and Kara, who have finally arrived this week. Edouard is in the back looking holy as usual, my beautiful companion Faith in the striped shirt, and then some Brothers that wanted to make it in the picture.

Our meninos enjoying painting musical notes and instruments. 

Musical inspiration for the meninos drawn by Br. Francis Therese and Edouard.

The highlight of the week was visiting the Church of St. Francis in the historical center of Salvador. 

Thank you for everything folks! Keep praying for us and we will pray for you too!

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